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"Reiki (pronounced RAY-KEY) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction + relaxation that also promotes healing...Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique..."

William Lee Rand


say again.

Reiki, in simpler terms, is the channeling of life energy towards the areas in need of healing. Focusing on the Chakras, energy is channeled from healer to client, diffusing and moving energy, with the purpose of clearing away any stagnant areas or blockages.

the werks.

In a 1-hour session filled with incense, crystals, oils, sprays, sounds, songs, and smoke (as well as other tools that I may spontaneously be inspired to incorporate), I send a rush of Reiki directly through you, focusing on specific parts of the body to ensure total embodiment of the energy. All you have to do is lay back, and relax.


one stop shop

No. Reiki is not a one-stop-shop. Due to the personal nature of the established connection, I will often intuitively discern messages, feelings, and visuals for you during the session. I will inform you of what I experience, and I will also share of the areas that need more tending to. After the Reiki session, it is in your best interest to tend to those areas. Meditate or do particular activities to better heal. Reiki is just the beginning part of the healing journey. You complete the rest.

can anybody?

There are many healers out there, and many healing modalities out there. For Reiki, an Attunement Ceremony must be conducted in order to provide, give, and transfer Reiki. I, myself, am a Level 2 Reiki and have the capabilities of sending Reiki in person or via distant Reiki. If you are interested in being Attuned to any Reiki Level, please feel free to reach out to Abigail HERE.



If you are still finding yourself with questions, please feel free to reach out!

book it.

Please note that at current all Reiki Sessions will be conducted via Distant Reiki unless agreement for In-Person Reiki is supplied in writing by Wild Flowers In The Sky. Distant Reiki is equally powerful to that of In-Person Reiki.


If you wish to have an In-Person session, we do require COVID Vaccination and proof of it. Please reach out for permission for In-Person Reiki session prior to purchasing.


All sales are final and there are no refunds.

If you wish to purchase a Reiki Gift Certificate, please complete purchase, and reach out to inform us who to reach out to with the Reiki Gift Certificate.


All scheduling for Reiki will be conducted via e-mail. It is recommended for correspondence and scheduling prior to purchasing.

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