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Birth Chart Readings

There is a theory that prior to life, we arrange with a higher power (God, Universe, Spirit, whoever you follow + believe) for the specific chart we desire to have. We pick and choose what signs the planets will be placed in at the moment of our birth, with the intention of empowering our existence with specified blessings and challenges. But as we move and make our way through life, our understanding of our lives blur as it becomes diluted with other's expectations, society's judgement, and opinions + influence of all outside of you. Birth Chart Readings (also known as Natal Chart Readings) help to realign us with the various parts of ourselves, providing validation of struggles + challenges, and emphasis on blessings and innate talents.


first things first.

I spend hours looking over your chart, carefully reviewing each and every planet's placement, degree by degree, calculating the aspects and relationships each planet forms with one another; dissecting and analyzing the information, and ultimately intuiting the story that is forming before my eyes. 


I record by hand all of my personal notes & interpretations, breaking down the chart into 4 major sections:

  1. First observations

  2. Elements + modalities

  3. Signs of inner planets  + placements, & strong aspects

  4. Angles + Nodes

  5. Current Transits *

* if time permits



Through your choice of recorded video or a live interactive Zoom call, I break down your chart in ~2 hours*, synthesizing all concepts, providing insight, guidance, and suggestive direction.


*The time length of the call/video may vary between 60 - 150 mins

**Questions may be asked at the end if time permits.
***Additional coaching and questions may be purchased as an add-on. 


For a successful reading, I do need the following information:

♡ Date of Birth

♡ Time of Birth

♡ Location of Birth

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

book it.

Please feel free to book a session with me by using the link below. If you don't see a time that works for you, please reach out and I'm sure we can accommodate a time slot for you.


Please note that by clicking the following links, and completing purchase, there are no refunds permitted.

If you'd like to exchange the price you paid for a Gift Card to Wild Flowers In The Company for other services, you may do so with permission.


Prices will increase to $200 beginning April 1, 2022

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